ECE 375: Digital Design II

Class 12

Synchronous Register

Registers are just multiple flip flops.

process (CLK)
    -- This also detects a rising edge
    if rising_edge(CLK) then
        if CLR = '1' then 
            Q <= "0000";
        -- LD is the same as WE in the picture above (LoaD vs Write Enable)
        elsif LD = '1' then
            Q <= D;
        end if;
    end if;
end process;


Now we will make this a 4-bit counter.

Using ports CLK, CLRN, Q_OUT, EN

signal Q : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
process (CLK)
    if rising_edge(CLK) then
        if CLRN = '0' then
            Q <= "0000";
        elsif EN = '1' then
            Q <= Q + 1; -- The add function is defined by std_logic_vector
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q_OUT <= Q;

Coding FSM

Now we will code a finite state machine.

PS NS X=0 NS X=1 Z X=0 Z X=1
S0 S1 S2 1 0
S1 S3 S4 1 0
S2 S4 S4 0 1
S3 S5 S5 0 1
S4 S5 S6 1 0
S5 S0 S0 0 1
S6 S0 X 1 X
entity FSM is
        X, CLK : in  std_logic;
        Z      : out std_logic);
end entity;

architecture ARCH of FSM is
signal STATE, NEXT_STATE : integer range 0 to 6 : 0;
-- Processs for determining the output and next state
-- AKA this process defines the behavior of the state table
process (STATE, X) begin
    case STATE is
    when 0 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 1;
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 2;
        end if;
    when 1 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 3;
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 4;
        end if;
    when 2 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 4;
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 4;
        end if;
    when 3 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 5;
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 5;
        end if;
    when 4 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 5;
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 6;
        end if;
    when 5 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '0';
            NEXT_STATE <= 0;
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 0;
        end if;
    when 6 =>
        if X = '0' then
            Z <= '1';
            NEXT_STATE <= 0;
        -- Since the state table has this a a don't care,
        -- we can just not include the else case
        end if;
    end case;
end process;
-- Process for updating the current state
process (CLK) begin
    if rising_edge(CLK) then
        STATE <= NEXT_STATE;
    end if;
end process;
end architecture;