ECE 275: Digital Design I

Class 6


Circuit we want to model: F = AB + C

Inputs: A, B, C Outputs: F

Flow of writing VHDL code Functional Description -> Write Code -> Compile -> If errors, Edit again else -> Simulate -> If errors, Edit again else -> Synthesize -> Simulate -> If errors, Edit again else -> Send to Physical Design Team for fabrication

Entity & Architecture

  1. Data Flow -> Logic Equations
  2. Behavioral -> If-else, case,...
  3. Structural -> Connect Modules

Entity -> Module Name, Inputs, Outputs Architecture -> How the inputs and outputs interact

Basic file format

-- Import standart libraries
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

-- 0 -> Logic 0
-- 1 -> Logic 1
-- X -> Unknown
-- U -> Uninitialized
-- - -> Don't care
-- Z -> High impedance

entity my_circuit is
    port (A, B, C, : in std_logic;
          F : out std_logic);

-- One way to write architecture
architecture arch of my_circuit is
    F <= (A and B) or C;

-- Another way (for longer operations) (with temp "variables")
architecture arch2 of my_circuit is 
signal temp : std_logic;
    F <= temp or C;
    temp <= A and B;